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Station #2: Lunar & Solar Eclipses
    At this station, you will be viewing a simulation illustrating the solar and lunar eclipses.

 Background Information:
          The moon revolves around Earth in an elliptical orbit. It takes the moon about 27.3 days to orbit
 Earth once. Eclipses depend on the moon's revolution around Earth. The moon's orbit is tilted with respect
 to Earth's orbit (approximately 5 degrees), so the moon rarely goes directly between Earth and the Sun or
 directly behind Earth. When the moon does move into one of these positions, an eclipse occurs.
          The simulation allows you view solar and lunar eclipses from a number of different angles and
 perspectives to fully understand the concept. The Google earth movies clip show a fascinating solar ellipse
          A lunar eclipse occurs only when the moon is full. During a lunar eclipse, Earth is positioned directly
 between the moon and the sun, blocking sunlight from reaching the moon. The darkest part of Earth's
 shadow is called the umbra. When the moon is within Earth's cone-shaped umbra, you see a total lunar
          A solar eclipse occurs when the new moon passes between Earth and the sun, blocking the sunlight
 from reaching Earth. The darkest part of the moon's shadow, the umbra, is also cone-shaped. Where this
 shadow reaches Earth, people viewing the sun see a total solar eclipse.

   1. Read the background information first!
   2. Your laptop has been already set to the
         appropriate webpages. (Please do not
         exit or scroll down either window)
   3.    Begin watching the short clip by
         pressing the replay button on the right
   4.    Now start the simulator. Set the
         “mode” which is found on the top left of
         the simulation to eclipses
   5.    Set the eclipse type to “lunar.”
   6.    Set the “View From” to space
   7.    Play with the side bar to adjust your
   8.    Keep labels “on”
   9.    Change your point of view to view from
         space to earth, sun, and moon. Try
         pressing play under each view.
   10.   Note that you could see the different
         phases of the moon in window on the
         bottom right of the simulation.
   11.   Repeat the same procedures (5-9) to
         view the solar eclipse type.
Station #2: Lunar & Solar Eclipses

 Conclusion Questions: Answer in complete sentences.

    1.     What is a solar eclipse and which moon phase might it take place?

    2. What is a lunar eclipse and which moon phase might it take place?

    3. Why is it rare to observe solar and lunar eclipses?

  4. The diagram on the right shows the Moon orbiting
         Earth as viewed from space above the North Pole.
         The Moon is shown at eight different positions in
         its orbit. On your lab report sheet, mark the
         position of the moon where a solar eclipse would
         be possible with “x” and label it “solar eclipse.”
         Next, circle the position of the moon where a
         lunar eclipse would be possible, and label it “lunar

5. The diagram below shows lines indicating dates for different locations where a solar eclipse would be visible.
   Describe the reason why you cannot see the eclipse on any particular day from everywhere in the world.

                                            Station #4: Tides

1. Read the background information on Tides
   on the sheet taped to the desk
2. There are two windows open on your lab top,
   there is no need to close or scroll down
   either window. Watch the brain pop video
   on the left. Then examine the repeating
   animation showing spring and neap tides on
   the right.
3. Position the model at your desk to
   represent when NY is experiencing a low
   tide during a spring tide. Make a diagram in
   the space provided on your lab report
   sheet, be sure to label the sun, earth, NY,
   the moon and it’s phase. Mark an “x” on your
   diagram to indicate high tide.
4. Now position the model at your desk to
   represent when NY is experiencing high tide
   during neap tides. Make a diagram in the
   space provided on your lab report sheet, be
   sure to label the sun, the earth, NY, the
   moon and it’s phase. Mark an x on your
   diagram to indicate high tide.

Conclusion Questions

   1. What force does the moon apply that cause tides?
   2. If the pattern on the graph above continues, what would be the height and time for the first high
       tide on day 3?
   3. How many high tides and low tides does a location experience each day?
   4. During which phases of the moon do neap tides take place? Spring tides?
   5. Which do you expect to be higher: high tide during spring tides or high tide during neap tides?
   6. Which do you expect to be lower: low tide during spring tides or low tide during neap tides?
   7. Explain the difference between neap tide and spring tides.
   8. Why do tides occur later and later each day? Use the model to help your figure it out.
   9. Tides in the Long Beach’s Bay are best described as… (predictable or non-predictable) and
       (cyclic or non-cyclic)
   10. The change in the tides as shown on the graph is primarily the result of

       A) Earth’s rotation and the Moon’s revolution    B) Earth’s rotation and revolution
       C) the Moon’s rotation and Earth’s revolution    D) the Moon’s rotation and revolution

                                      Station #4: Tides

Background Information:
Daily High / Low Tides:

 The Earth is quite far from the Moon, at an average distance of 384,400 km. But one edge of the Earth will
always be closer to the Moon by 6,370 km (the radius of the Earth), and the opposite edge will always be
farther from the Moon by the same amount. The difference in the distance results in difference in the
strength of the force of gravity of the moon towards the earth, resulting in TIDES. The Moon's gravity on
Earth is trying to flatten Earth a little bit at the poles and wherever Moonset/Moonrise is occurring, and to
stretch it at its nearest point (when the Moon is directly overhead) This force is weak enough that it
wouldn't be a big deal if the Earth were simply a solid ball; the tidal forces from the Moon are unable to
stretch rocks and dirt by more than a few millimeters. But the Earth is covered in water, which changes its
shape extremely easily!

(Image Credit: Steve Gaunt.)

So while the solid ground of the Earth remains in its roughly spherical shape, the oceans bulge by just a few
meters in two spots around the equator: at the point closest to the Moon and at the point farthest from the
Moon. As the solid ground rotates, each point on the Earth passes through the side closest to the
Moon and the side farthest from the Moon once per day: these are your two high tides.
The two times that correspond to Moonrise and Moonset are your two low tides per day. And the closer to
the equator you are, the more severe your tides are, while the closer to the poles you are, the less drastic
your tides are!

Spring & Neap Tides:
But the Moon isn't the only gravitational body in our Solar System affecting the tides on Earth. While none
of the other planets, moons, asteroids or comets in the Solar System matter, the Sun does.
The tidal forces from the Sun are weaker than those from the Moon, but are still quite strong. When the
Sun and the Moon are lined up, during a New Moon and during a Full Moon, you get the highest high tides and
the lowest low tides, known as Spring Tides.
But when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to each other (during the Moon's first and last quarter, or
when it appears half-full), the difference between high and low tide is less severe. This is known as Neap

          Station #1: Lunar Calendar and Phases of the Moon

Background Information:
The Moon revolves counterclockwise around the earth once every “month” - that’s where the word
“month’ comes from. During the 29.5 day month, the Moon, as viewed from earth, goes through a cycle of
phases or shapes. Sometimes we see the Moon during the morning or afternoon, sometimes at night, and
sometimes not at all. Careful observation reveals that these motions and phases of the Moon are predictable
and quite easily understood. As the moon transitions from new moon to full moon we refer to it as “waxing.”
As the moon phases proceed from full moon to new moon it’s called “waning.”
                                           PHASES OF THE MOON
When the Moon is nearly between the Earth and the Sun, the dark side is facing us and the illuminated side
is facing the Sun, therefore we can’t see the lit portion of the moon, we call this position new moon.

                         New Moon

When less than half of the observable side of the Moon is illuminated, we call that shape a crescent. Sometimes the
right side is illuminated, sometimes the left, depending on the position of the moon in it’s orbit

                                                                                             When the left side is
 When the right side is
                                                                                             illuminated, it is known
 illuminated it is know as
                                                                                             as an old crescent or
 a new crescent or
                                                                                             waning crescent.
 waxing crescent.

When we can see exactly half of the illuminated, side of the moon, we refer to it as a quarter moon Sometimes the
right side is illuminated, sometimes the left, again depending on where in the orbit the moon is positioned.

Note:                                                                                      Note:
When the right side is illuminated                                                         When the left side is
it is know as a first quarter.                                                             illuminated, it is known as
                                                                                           an third quarter or last

When more than half of the Moon is illuminated, we call that shape gibbous. Sometimes the right side is illuminated,
sometimes the left. When you can see the illuminated side of the moon fully we call that the full moon.

                                                           Full Moon                           Note:
 Note:                                                                                         When the left side
 When the right side is                                                                        is illuminated, it is
 illuminated it is known as                                                                    known as a old or
 a new or waxing                                                                               waning gibbous

           Station #1: Lunar Calendar and Phases of the Moon

1) Read Background information before proceeding.

2) Complete the calendar below by placing the moon puzzle pieces in the appropriate date. Some key dates
and phases are already labeled for your convenience.

3) Once you are satisfied with your order, shade in the circles on your lab report sheet to represent the
dark portion of the moon as we move through the month. Label the approximate dates of the waxing (new)
and waning (old) crescent as well as waxing (new) and waning (old) gibbous moons.


                                                                                  1st Q


                                                                                                     3rd Q


Conclusion Questions:

1. What do you notice about the appearance of the Moon each day? Does it change a lot or a little?
2. From a new moon phase to a full moon phase, explain what you see as viewed from earth.

                       Station #5: Lunar Pops Moon Phases

Background information:
The revolution of the moon around Earth as
Earth revolves around the sun results in observed
phases of the moon. The sun always illuminates half of
the moon, just like the sun always illuminates half of
the earth. However due to the relative positions of the
observer, the Moon, the Sun and the Earth the lit side
of the moon is not always completely visible. In other
words, based on our perspective from earth we only
see a portion of the illuminated side of the moon.

-The moon revolves counter clockwise around the Earth
in an elliptical orbit that is tilted about 5 degrees from
Earth’s orbit and that has a period of 27.3 days (This is
called a Sidereal Month). Coincidently the moon also
rotates on its axis in 27.3 days. This is why we always
observe the same “face” on the moon from Earth.

-You might be wondering: Why does it take 29.5 days
to complete one lunar cycle as viewed from earth if the
moon makes one complete revolution in 27.3 days?
Well, since the earth is also revolving around the sun, it
takes about 2 days for the moon to “catch up” each
month with earth’s orbit. This is because when moon
gets back to its original position in 27.3 days, the earth
has moved 1°/day or about 27°. The moon moving at l3°/
day takes about 2 days to catch up with Earth and align
with it and the sun in a new moon phase. The lunar cycle
month is called the synodic month. See diagram on the
right 

  1. You must work well with your partner at this station. Repeat the directions twice so that both partners can
  make observations.
  2. Pick up the Moon Pop and examine it. Hold it up so that the foam paper outline is perpendicular to your line
  of sight. This foam paper is meant to remind you that you cannot see past the fattest part of the moon. You
  can only see half of the moon at a time.
  3. Carefully turn the stick connected to the ball while hold the foam paper. Notice how the moon phases are
  modeled as you turn the stick. Note that you are only seeing a portion of the lit surface of the moon.
  4. Manipulate the “Lunar Phase Interactive” program that is on the lab top. Observe at least one full moon

                       Station #5: Lunar Lollipops Moon Phases

  Conclusion Questions:
  1. Explain how it is possible to view the moon in the daytime on occasion.
2. Use the computer program to help you label the eight phases (as seen from Earth) on the diagram in your
lab report sheet.

3. Which diagram sequence correctly shows the order of the Moon phases, as viewed from Earth, for a
period of 1 month? (Note that some phases have been omitted)

4. The diagram below represents the Moon in its orbit, as viewed from above Earth’s North Pole. Position 1
represents a specific location of the Moon in its orbit. Which phase of the Moon will be seen form Earth
when the Moon is at position 1?

                  Station #3: 3D Phases of the Moon Model

1) Observe the incomplete moon model at the station, note the location of the Sun, the Earth, the 8 moon
positions and the circles labeled 1-8. Note: This model is not drawn to scale

2) Each numbered position on your model represents the moon at a different point in time of the moon's
monthly cycle.

3) Make sure that the ‘lit’ portion of the moon is facing the sun at each position.

4) Also make sure that the foam paper on each moon pop is perpendicular to an observer’s line of sight on
earth, indicated by the stick protruding from the earth. This should result in an octagon shape.

6) Arrange the 2D images of the moon in the appropriate numbered circles to represent the moon phases at
each position. You may remove and examine the moon pops (one at a time) to help you visualize. Pay close
attention to whether lighted area is on the left or right side when viewed from Earth’s perspective.

7) Shade in the lettered circles on the diagram to show which portion of the moon is lit by the Sun from an
aerial view from space. Also draw a line dividing each moon to show the visible portion of the moon when
viewed from earth (top of foam board)

8) Draw the moon phases as seen from earth in the numbered circles. Label each phase on the diagram: New
moon, Full moon, Waxing crescent, Waning crescent, Waxing gibbous, Waning gibbous, First quarter, and Last

Conclusion Questions:

1) How would your diagram change if the sun were located on the other side of the earth, rotate the board
to help you visualize the diagram.

2) Look at the diagram for the side, as if you were standing on the Sun, what phase does the moon appear to
always be in? Explain.

3) If you were standing on the moon, would you observe phases of the earth as you revolve around it?

               Station #6: Impact Theory of Moon Formation

Background Information:
Any theory which explains the existence of the Moon must naturally explain the following facts:
-The Moon's low density (3.3 g/cc) shows that it does not have a substantial iron core like the Earth does.
Moon rocks contain few volatile substances (e.g. water), which implies extra baking of the lunar surface
relative to that of Earth.
-The relative abundance of oxygen isotopes on Earth and on the Moon are identical, which suggests that the
Earth and Moon formed at the same distance from the Sun.
-Various theories had been proposed for the formation of the Moon. Below is the explanation of the Impact
Theory which is the most widely accepted theory about the formation of our Moon to date.

The Giant Impact Theory (sometimes called The Ejected Ring Theory): This theory proposes that a
planetesimal (or small planet) the size of Mars struck the Earth just after the formation of the solar
system, ejecting large volumes of heated material from the outer layers of both objects. A disk of orbiting
material was formed, and this matter eventually stuck together to form the Moon in orbit around the Earth.
This theory can explain why the Moon is made mostly of rock and how the rock was excessively heated.
Furthermore, we see evidence in many places in the solar system that such collisions were common late in the
formative stages of the solar system.

In the mid-1970s, scientists proposed the giant impact scenario for the formation of the Moon. The idea was
that an off-center impact of a roughly Mars-sized body with a young Earth could provide Earth with its fast
initial spin, and eject enough debris into orbit to form the Moon. If the ejected material came primarily from
the mantles of the Earth and the impactor, the lack of a sizeable lunar core was easily understood, and the
energy of the impact could account for the extra heating of lunar material required by analysis of lunar rock
samples obtained by the Apollo astronauts.

For nearly a decade, the giant impact theory was not believed by most scientists. However, in 1984, a
conference devoted to lunar origin prompted a critical comparison of the existing theories. The giant impact
theory emerged from this conference with nearly consensus support by scientists, enhanced by new models
of planet formation that suggested large impacts were actually quite common events in the late stages of
terrestrial planet formation.

The basic idea is this: about 4.45 billion years ago, a young planet Earth -- a mere 50 million years old at the
time and not the solid object we know today-- experienced the largest impact event of its history. Another
planetary body with roughly the mass of Mars had formed nearby with an orbit that placed it on a collision
course with Earth. When young Earth and this rogue body collided, the energy involved was 100 million times
larger than the much later event believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs. The early giant collision destroyed
the rogue body, likely vaporized the upper layers of Earth's mantle, and ejected large amounts of debris into
Earth orbit. Our Moon formed from this debris.

1. Read the Background Information
2. Watch the video “How the Moon was Born”
3. Answer the Conclusion Questions.

               Station #6: Impact Theory of Moon Formation

Conclusion Questions:
1) Explain the impact theory and how the moon developed after impact.

2) Compare the moon to Earth in terms of density, mass, diameter, and gravitational pull.

3) What is the composition of the Moon?

4) Explain how the moon ended up having so many craters.

5) Why doesn’t the Earth still show evidence of many craters?

6) Use the text book provided to explain the following lunar features.

-Lunar highlands
-Lunar Craters

        Station 7: Extension (You do not have to complete this)

Background Information:
The word "tides" is a generic term used to define the alternating rise and fall in sea level with respect to the
land, produced by the gravitational attraction of the moon and the sun. To a much smaller extent, tides also
occur in large lakes, the atmosphere, and within the solid crust of the earth, acted upon by these same
gravitational forces of the moon and sun. Additional non-astronomical factors such as configuration of the
coastline, local depth of the water, ocean-floor topography, and other hydrographic and meteorological
influences may play an important role in altering the range, interval between high and low water, an times of
arrival of the tides.

The most familiar evidence of the tides along our seashores is the observed recurrence of high and low
water - usually, but not always, twice daily. The term tide correctly refers only to such a relatively short-
period, astronomically induced vertical change in the height of the sea surface (exclusive of wind-actuated
waves and swell); the expression tidal current relates to accompanying periodic horizontal movement of the
ocean water, both near the coast and offshore (but as distinct from the continuous, stream-flow type of
ocean current).

Knowledge of the times, heights, and extent of inflow and outflow of tidal waters is of importance in a wide
range of practical applications such as; navigation, construction, and the establishment of standard chart
datums for hydrography and for demarcation of a base line or "legal coastline" for fixing offshore
territorial limits both on the sea surface and on the submerged lands of the Continental Shelf. (NOAA)


   1. Examine the data table taped to the desk

   2. Make a graph plotting Time (in days) on the X axis and Average High Tide, Average Low Tide,
       Average Tide, and Tidal Range on the Y Axis (One Graph multiple data series)

   3. On the same Graph Draw the New, Full, 1ST and 3rd quarter moons above the correct date

   4. Label Spring and Neap Tides

   5. Remember to label your graph correctly

Conclusion Questions:
1. What relationships exists between high tides and the phases of the Moon?
2. What relationships exist between low tides and the phases of the Moon?
3. Explain how the Moon affects the tides (include the words, spring tide, neap tide, full moon, new moon, and
quarter moon).
4. What is the relationship between tidal range and the phase of the moon?
5. During what type of conditions would the largest tides occur?
7. Why does the Bay of Fundy experience such enormous tidal ranges?
8. What is a tidal bore? at least 2 examples!
9. How would tides change around the world if the moon did not revolve around Earth?
10. How would tides change is the same side of the Earth faced the moon at all times?

                                  Station #7: Tide Graphs
Moon Phases Stations Lab

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Dynamic Earth
Dynamic EarthDynamic Earth
Dynamic Earth
Earths dimension sci 8 ppt np1
Earths dimension sci 8 ppt np1Earths dimension sci 8 ppt np1
Earths dimension sci 8 ppt np1
Metamorphic Rocks
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Metamorphic Rocks

Moon Phases Stations Lab

  • 1. Station #2: Lunar & Solar Eclipses At this station, you will be viewing a simulation illustrating the solar and lunar eclipses. Background Information: The moon revolves around Earth in an elliptical orbit. It takes the moon about 27.3 days to orbit Earth once. Eclipses depend on the moon's revolution around Earth. The moon's orbit is tilted with respect to Earth's orbit (approximately 5 degrees), so the moon rarely goes directly between Earth and the Sun or directly behind Earth. When the moon does move into one of these positions, an eclipse occurs. The simulation allows you view solar and lunar eclipses from a number of different angles and perspectives to fully understand the concept. The Google earth movies clip show a fascinating solar ellipse animation A lunar eclipse occurs only when the moon is full. During a lunar eclipse, Earth is positioned directly between the moon and the sun, blocking sunlight from reaching the moon. The darkest part of Earth's shadow is called the umbra. When the moon is within Earth's cone-shaped umbra, you see a total lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the new moon passes between Earth and the sun, blocking the sunlight from reaching Earth. The darkest part of the moon's shadow, the umbra, is also cone-shaped. Where this shadow reaches Earth, people viewing the sun see a total solar eclipse. Directions: 1. Read the background information first! 2. Your laptop has been already set to the appropriate webpages. (Please do not exit or scroll down either window) 3. Begin watching the short clip by pressing the replay button on the right window. 4. Now start the simulator. Set the “mode” which is found on the top left of the simulation to eclipses 5. Set the eclipse type to “lunar.” 6. Set the “View From” to space 7. Play with the side bar to adjust your perspective. 8. Keep labels “on” 9. Change your point of view to view from space to earth, sun, and moon. Try pressing play under each view. 10. Note that you could see the different phases of the moon in window on the bottom right of the simulation. 11. Repeat the same procedures (5-9) to view the solar eclipse type.
  • 2. Station #2: Lunar & Solar Eclipses Conclusion Questions: Answer in complete sentences. 1. What is a solar eclipse and which moon phase might it take place? 2. What is a lunar eclipse and which moon phase might it take place? 3. Why is it rare to observe solar and lunar eclipses? 4. The diagram on the right shows the Moon orbiting Earth as viewed from space above the North Pole. The Moon is shown at eight different positions in its orbit. On your lab report sheet, mark the position of the moon where a solar eclipse would be possible with “x” and label it “solar eclipse.” Next, circle the position of the moon where a lunar eclipse would be possible, and label it “lunar eclipse” 5. The diagram below shows lines indicating dates for different locations where a solar eclipse would be visible. Describe the reason why you cannot see the eclipse on any particular day from everywhere in the world. Station #4: Tides
  • 3. Directions: 1. Read the background information on Tides on the sheet taped to the desk 2. There are two windows open on your lab top, there is no need to close or scroll down either window. Watch the brain pop video on the left. Then examine the repeating animation showing spring and neap tides on the right. 3. Position the model at your desk to represent when NY is experiencing a low tide during a spring tide. Make a diagram in the space provided on your lab report sheet, be sure to label the sun, earth, NY, the moon and it’s phase. Mark an “x” on your diagram to indicate high tide. 4. Now position the model at your desk to represent when NY is experiencing high tide during neap tides. Make a diagram in the space provided on your lab report sheet, be sure to label the sun, the earth, NY, the moon and it’s phase. Mark an x on your diagram to indicate high tide. Conclusion Questions 1. What force does the moon apply that cause tides? 2. If the pattern on the graph above continues, what would be the height and time for the first high tide on day 3? 3. How many high tides and low tides does a location experience each day? 4. During which phases of the moon do neap tides take place? Spring tides? 5. Which do you expect to be higher: high tide during spring tides or high tide during neap tides? 6. Which do you expect to be lower: low tide during spring tides or low tide during neap tides? 7. Explain the difference between neap tide and spring tides. 8. Why do tides occur later and later each day? Use the model to help your figure it out. 9. Tides in the Long Beach’s Bay are best described as… (predictable or non-predictable) and (cyclic or non-cyclic) 10. The change in the tides as shown on the graph is primarily the result of A) Earth’s rotation and the Moon’s revolution B) Earth’s rotation and revolution C) the Moon’s rotation and Earth’s revolution D) the Moon’s rotation and revolution Station #4: Tides Background Information:
  • 4. Daily High / Low Tides: The Earth is quite far from the Moon, at an average distance of 384,400 km. But one edge of the Earth will always be closer to the Moon by 6,370 km (the radius of the Earth), and the opposite edge will always be farther from the Moon by the same amount. The difference in the distance results in difference in the strength of the force of gravity of the moon towards the earth, resulting in TIDES. The Moon's gravity on Earth is trying to flatten Earth a little bit at the poles and wherever Moonset/Moonrise is occurring, and to stretch it at its nearest point (when the Moon is directly overhead) This force is weak enough that it wouldn't be a big deal if the Earth were simply a solid ball; the tidal forces from the Moon are unable to stretch rocks and dirt by more than a few millimeters. But the Earth is covered in water, which changes its shape extremely easily! (Image Credit: Steve Gaunt.) So while the solid ground of the Earth remains in its roughly spherical shape, the oceans bulge by just a few meters in two spots around the equator: at the point closest to the Moon and at the point farthest from the Moon. As the solid ground rotates, each point on the Earth passes through the side closest to the Moon and the side farthest from the Moon once per day: these are your two high tides. The two times that correspond to Moonrise and Moonset are your two low tides per day. And the closer to the equator you are, the more severe your tides are, while the closer to the poles you are, the less drastic your tides are! Spring & Neap Tides: But the Moon isn't the only gravitational body in our Solar System affecting the tides on Earth. While none of the other planets, moons, asteroids or comets in the Solar System matter, the Sun does. The tidal forces from the Sun are weaker than those from the Moon, but are still quite strong. When the Sun and the Moon are lined up, during a New Moon and during a Full Moon, you get the highest high tides and the lowest low tides, known as Spring Tides. But when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to each other (during the Moon's first and last quarter, or when it appears half-full), the difference between high and low tide is less severe. This is known as Neap Tides. Station #1: Lunar Calendar and Phases of the Moon Background Information:
  • 5. The Moon revolves counterclockwise around the earth once every “month” - that’s where the word “month’ comes from. During the 29.5 day month, the Moon, as viewed from earth, goes through a cycle of phases or shapes. Sometimes we see the Moon during the morning or afternoon, sometimes at night, and sometimes not at all. Careful observation reveals that these motions and phases of the Moon are predictable and quite easily understood. As the moon transitions from new moon to full moon we refer to it as “waxing.” As the moon phases proceed from full moon to new moon it’s called “waning.” PHASES OF THE MOON When the Moon is nearly between the Earth and the Sun, the dark side is facing us and the illuminated side is facing the Sun, therefore we can’t see the lit portion of the moon, we call this position new moon. New Moon When less than half of the observable side of the Moon is illuminated, we call that shape a crescent. Sometimes the right side is illuminated, sometimes the left, depending on the position of the moon in it’s orbit Note: Note: When the left side is When the right side is illuminated, it is known illuminated it is know as as an old crescent or a new crescent or waning crescent. waxing crescent. When we can see exactly half of the illuminated, side of the moon, we refer to it as a quarter moon Sometimes the right side is illuminated, sometimes the left, again depending on where in the orbit the moon is positioned. Note: Note: When the right side is illuminated When the left side is it is know as a first quarter. illuminated, it is known as an third quarter or last quarter. When more than half of the Moon is illuminated, we call that shape gibbous. Sometimes the right side is illuminated, sometimes the left. When you can see the illuminated side of the moon fully we call that the full moon. Full Moon Note: Note: When the left side When the right side is is illuminated, it is illuminated it is known as known as a old or a new or waxing waning gibbous gibbous. Station #1: Lunar Calendar and Phases of the Moon Directions
  • 6. 1) Read Background information before proceeding. 2) Complete the calendar below by placing the moon puzzle pieces in the appropriate date. Some key dates and phases are already labeled for your convenience. 3) Once you are satisfied with your order, shade in the circles on your lab report sheet to represent the dark portion of the moon as we move through the month. Label the approximate dates of the waxing (new) and waning (old) crescent as well as waxing (new) and waning (old) gibbous moons. New 1st Q Full 3rd Q New Conclusion Questions: 1. What do you notice about the appearance of the Moon each day? Does it change a lot or a little? 2. From a new moon phase to a full moon phase, explain what you see as viewed from earth. Station #5: Lunar Pops Moon Phases Background information:
  • 7. The revolution of the moon around Earth as Earth revolves around the sun results in observed phases of the moon. The sun always illuminates half of the moon, just like the sun always illuminates half of the earth. However due to the relative positions of the observer, the Moon, the Sun and the Earth the lit side of the moon is not always completely visible. In other words, based on our perspective from earth we only see a portion of the illuminated side of the moon. -The moon revolves counter clockwise around the Earth in an elliptical orbit that is tilted about 5 degrees from Earth’s orbit and that has a period of 27.3 days (This is called a Sidereal Month). Coincidently the moon also rotates on its axis in 27.3 days. This is why we always observe the same “face” on the moon from Earth. -You might be wondering: Why does it take 29.5 days to complete one lunar cycle as viewed from earth if the moon makes one complete revolution in 27.3 days? Well, since the earth is also revolving around the sun, it takes about 2 days for the moon to “catch up” each month with earth’s orbit. This is because when moon gets back to its original position in 27.3 days, the earth has moved 1°/day or about 27°. The moon moving at l3°/ day takes about 2 days to catch up with Earth and align with it and the sun in a new moon phase. The lunar cycle month is called the synodic month. See diagram on the right  Directions: 1. You must work well with your partner at this station. Repeat the directions twice so that both partners can make observations. 2. Pick up the Moon Pop and examine it. Hold it up so that the foam paper outline is perpendicular to your line of sight. This foam paper is meant to remind you that you cannot see past the fattest part of the moon. You can only see half of the moon at a time. 3. Carefully turn the stick connected to the ball while hold the foam paper. Notice how the moon phases are modeled as you turn the stick. Note that you are only seeing a portion of the lit surface of the moon. 4. Manipulate the “Lunar Phase Interactive” program that is on the lab top. Observe at least one full moon cycle. Station #5: Lunar Lollipops Moon Phases Conclusion Questions: 1. Explain how it is possible to view the moon in the daytime on occasion.
  • 8. 2. Use the computer program to help you label the eight phases (as seen from Earth) on the diagram in your lab report sheet. 3. Which diagram sequence correctly shows the order of the Moon phases, as viewed from Earth, for a period of 1 month? (Note that some phases have been omitted) 4. The diagram below represents the Moon in its orbit, as viewed from above Earth’s North Pole. Position 1 represents a specific location of the Moon in its orbit. Which phase of the Moon will be seen form Earth when the Moon is at position 1? Station #3: 3D Phases of the Moon Model Directions:
  • 9. 1) Observe the incomplete moon model at the station, note the location of the Sun, the Earth, the 8 moon positions and the circles labeled 1-8. Note: This model is not drawn to scale 2) Each numbered position on your model represents the moon at a different point in time of the moon's monthly cycle. 3) Make sure that the ‘lit’ portion of the moon is facing the sun at each position. 4) Also make sure that the foam paper on each moon pop is perpendicular to an observer’s line of sight on earth, indicated by the stick protruding from the earth. This should result in an octagon shape. 6) Arrange the 2D images of the moon in the appropriate numbered circles to represent the moon phases at each position. You may remove and examine the moon pops (one at a time) to help you visualize. Pay close attention to whether lighted area is on the left or right side when viewed from Earth’s perspective. 7) Shade in the lettered circles on the diagram to show which portion of the moon is lit by the Sun from an aerial view from space. Also draw a line dividing each moon to show the visible portion of the moon when viewed from earth (top of foam board) 8) Draw the moon phases as seen from earth in the numbered circles. Label each phase on the diagram: New moon, Full moon, Waxing crescent, Waning crescent, Waxing gibbous, Waning gibbous, First quarter, and Last quarter. Conclusion Questions: 1) How would your diagram change if the sun were located on the other side of the earth, rotate the board to help you visualize the diagram. 2) Look at the diagram for the side, as if you were standing on the Sun, what phase does the moon appear to always be in? Explain. 3) If you were standing on the moon, would you observe phases of the earth as you revolve around it? Station #6: Impact Theory of Moon Formation Background Information: Any theory which explains the existence of the Moon must naturally explain the following facts:
  • 10. -The Moon's low density (3.3 g/cc) shows that it does not have a substantial iron core like the Earth does. Moon rocks contain few volatile substances (e.g. water), which implies extra baking of the lunar surface relative to that of Earth. -The relative abundance of oxygen isotopes on Earth and on the Moon are identical, which suggests that the Earth and Moon formed at the same distance from the Sun. -Various theories had been proposed for the formation of the Moon. Below is the explanation of the Impact Theory which is the most widely accepted theory about the formation of our Moon to date. The Giant Impact Theory (sometimes called The Ejected Ring Theory): This theory proposes that a planetesimal (or small planet) the size of Mars struck the Earth just after the formation of the solar system, ejecting large volumes of heated material from the outer layers of both objects. A disk of orbiting material was formed, and this matter eventually stuck together to form the Moon in orbit around the Earth. This theory can explain why the Moon is made mostly of rock and how the rock was excessively heated. Furthermore, we see evidence in many places in the solar system that such collisions were common late in the formative stages of the solar system. In the mid-1970s, scientists proposed the giant impact scenario for the formation of the Moon. The idea was that an off-center impact of a roughly Mars-sized body with a young Earth could provide Earth with its fast initial spin, and eject enough debris into orbit to form the Moon. If the ejected material came primarily from the mantles of the Earth and the impactor, the lack of a sizeable lunar core was easily understood, and the energy of the impact could account for the extra heating of lunar material required by analysis of lunar rock samples obtained by the Apollo astronauts. For nearly a decade, the giant impact theory was not believed by most scientists. However, in 1984, a conference devoted to lunar origin prompted a critical comparison of the existing theories. The giant impact theory emerged from this conference with nearly consensus support by scientists, enhanced by new models of planet formation that suggested large impacts were actually quite common events in the late stages of terrestrial planet formation. The basic idea is this: about 4.45 billion years ago, a young planet Earth -- a mere 50 million years old at the time and not the solid object we know today-- experienced the largest impact event of its history. Another planetary body with roughly the mass of Mars had formed nearby with an orbit that placed it on a collision course with Earth. When young Earth and this rogue body collided, the energy involved was 100 million times larger than the much later event believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs. The early giant collision destroyed the rogue body, likely vaporized the upper layers of Earth's mantle, and ejected large amounts of debris into Earth orbit. Our Moon formed from this debris. Directions: 1. Read the Background Information 2. Watch the video “How the Moon was Born” 3. Answer the Conclusion Questions. Station #6: Impact Theory of Moon Formation Conclusion Questions:
  • 11. 1) Explain the impact theory and how the moon developed after impact. 2) Compare the moon to Earth in terms of density, mass, diameter, and gravitational pull. 3) What is the composition of the Moon? 4) Explain how the moon ended up having so many craters. 5) Why doesn’t the Earth still show evidence of many craters? 6) Use the text book provided to explain the following lunar features. -Maria -Mascons -Rilles -Lunar highlands -Lunar Craters Station 7: Extension (You do not have to complete this) Background Information:
  • 12. The word "tides" is a generic term used to define the alternating rise and fall in sea level with respect to the land, produced by the gravitational attraction of the moon and the sun. To a much smaller extent, tides also occur in large lakes, the atmosphere, and within the solid crust of the earth, acted upon by these same gravitational forces of the moon and sun. Additional non-astronomical factors such as configuration of the coastline, local depth of the water, ocean-floor topography, and other hydrographic and meteorological influences may play an important role in altering the range, interval between high and low water, an times of arrival of the tides. The most familiar evidence of the tides along our seashores is the observed recurrence of high and low water - usually, but not always, twice daily. The term tide correctly refers only to such a relatively short- period, astronomically induced vertical change in the height of the sea surface (exclusive of wind-actuated waves and swell); the expression tidal current relates to accompanying periodic horizontal movement of the ocean water, both near the coast and offshore (but as distinct from the continuous, stream-flow type of ocean current). Knowledge of the times, heights, and extent of inflow and outflow of tidal waters is of importance in a wide range of practical applications such as; navigation, construction, and the establishment of standard chart datums for hydrography and for demarcation of a base line or "legal coastline" for fixing offshore territorial limits both on the sea surface and on the submerged lands of the Continental Shelf. (NOAA) Directions: 1. Examine the data table taped to the desk 2. Make a graph plotting Time (in days) on the X axis and Average High Tide, Average Low Tide, Average Tide, and Tidal Range on the Y Axis (One Graph multiple data series) 3. On the same Graph Draw the New, Full, 1ST and 3rd quarter moons above the correct date 4. Label Spring and Neap Tides 5. Remember to label your graph correctly Conclusion Questions: 1. What relationships exists between high tides and the phases of the Moon? 2. What relationships exist between low tides and the phases of the Moon? 3. Explain how the Moon affects the tides (include the words, spring tide, neap tide, full moon, new moon, and quarter moon). 4. What is the relationship between tidal range and the phase of the moon? 5. During what type of conditions would the largest tides occur? 7. Why does the Bay of Fundy experience such enormous tidal ranges? 8. What is a tidal bore? at least 2 examples! 9. How would tides change around the world if the moon did not revolve around Earth? 10. How would tides change is the same side of the Earth faced the moon at all times? Station #7: Tide Graphs